Thursday, February 3, 2011

Start getting ready...Spring is coming!

Christine's Corner:
Spring is coming, Spring is coming (clicking my heels together like Dorothy on Wizard of OZ), as I write this it is currently about 22 degrees in Cameron...brrrrrrr cold! I know with it being as cold as it is, it's hard to think about Spring or working outside or planting a garden but Spring will be here soon. There are two things that you need to consider planting soon, first is seed pototoes. I've heard a lot of "old timers" with way more experience than me say to plant potatoes around Valentine's Day or President's Day, so now would be a good time to purchase them. You need to give them time to grow good "eyes" before you plant them. After you purchase them you cut them, dust them with sulfur and put them in a dark, dry spot until its time to plant and the "eyes" have developed well. The other thing to consider is onions, plant them now and by early June you should have some nice size bulbs to harvest and enjoy! Since I'm no expert I found some great websites to refer to:
This first one has some great general gardening advice and guidelines for all vegetables...
This one has some great information on seed potatoes and onions...
And this one answers all sorts of questions you may have about pototoes...

Happy Gardening and stay warm!

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